Huge Giveaway( ´∀`)☆ !! [ Winner Announced ]

Who here is into some FREE & SUPER CUTE STUFF? Well you’ve come to the right place(。´∀`)ノ
Get the chance to receive the cutest goodies of your choice in my shop, MILK CLUB ♡
For me, I really love throwing giveaways. It gives me the opportunity to show some more love to you guys — the people who supported me through it all in this strange, virtual world.
In this new year, I’d like to do this giveaway as a thank you for what you’ve help me grow into what my blog is today. And now, here it is — I hope you like it!
Presenting the first giveaway spawning on this website:

For this awesome giveaway, there will be two lucky winners(っ´ω`c)
Winner #1: $100 Gift Certificate from Milk Club Shop
Shop till you drop with clothes totalling to a hundred dollars for free!

Winner #2: Kawaii Mystery Package from Milk Club Shop
Milk Club’s ultimate best seller. Get a package full of cute things♡ from clothes, toys, makeup, accessories and more!
For more details of the product, check out its product info page here.

๑ Must follow all the possible options in the RAFFLECOPTER WIDGET below. The more points you have, the better chances of you winning.
๑ Giveaway Blogs are prohibited.
๑ False information/cheating will immediately forfeit your entry
๑ Must be 13+ or have parental consent
๑ Winner must respond within 24-48 hours. I will message you through email via
๑ Must be okay with revealing their URL/name/email to the public if ever deemed winner.
๑ Tumblr Post much reach 5k notes for this giveaway to be valid
Failure to follow will forfeit your entryᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
The winners will be randomly chosen via RAFFLECOPTER and shall be announced on: Feb 28, 2016
๑ As much as possible, please follow all the options in the widget. However, if you don’t own an account in one/some of these platforms, you may opt to not do anything. Please do note that the more points you have = entries , thus, the higher chances of you being chosen. However, there is still a chance for everyone as long as they filled in at least one point.
๑ Shipping is free worldwide. If there are cases where an item can’t ship to your country at the moment, we would contact you immediately.
๑ You can’t convert the gift card to money :c
๑ Items are non-refundable, and all orders are final. Please do note that I’ve saved up and be spending my own money for this.
๑ Yes, you may give the GC as a gift, but you can’t distribute it for cash or other exploitation purposes.
๑ For questions on the products, you may check the product description of each item on the Milk Club website. If you have any more questions regarding the product that are not found on the description, please don’t hesitate to contact Milk Club’s support here.
If you have any more questions, concerns, or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to comment below! You can also contact me through the following:
Contact Page / Twitter / Tumblr (Un-anon) / Ask.FM
Thank you everyone, and good luckヾ(^∇^)!

Thank You
Congratulations Sarah & Ira! I’ve sent you an email with full info & detailsヾ(^∇^) Please respond as soon as possible.
As you know, one of the rules for making this giveaway real is that it had to reach at least 5k in the tumblr post, and sadly it did not(♯××)But I didn’t want everyone’s efforts go to waste! This is a thank you giveaway after all. There will still be two winners, though the prizes would have to be adjusted to balance it all out as I negotiate with the suppliers. The winner will still win a $60 gift card, while the second winner will be able to receive a kawaii mystery pack bundle as well. I’m hoping this is still alright, as I still want to play it fair with the rules.
Again, thank you so much to everyone’s kind efforts(* ´ ˘ ` *)♡ I’m so glad and will be forever thankful! Lastly, this won’t be the last giveaway that I’ll be hosting. There will be plenty more coming soon and plenty more surprises for you guys so stay tuned! xx