Pulling Heartstrings

Yet another (late) Valentine’s-inspired coordinate involving cute coats, sushi adorations and lots of lovin’ (`・ω・´)” /sweats nervously/

<ol> <li><a href='http://naominikola.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/06-Private-Eyes.mp3'>Private Eyes</a></li><li><a href='http://naominikola.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/02-Girlfriend.mp3'>Girlfriend</a></li><li><a href='http://naominikola.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/13-試験一週間前.m4a'>13 試験一週間前</a></li> </ol>

Shoes – Y.R.U. / Nikkilipstick Socks – WEGO Bow – Oh my bows * Choker – Milk Club Bag – Chanel
Top – Rosemarie Seoir (Syrup Tokyo) Skirt – Topshop Coat – SheIn *

I really love eating sushi💕🍣 Which is why this bow really speaks to me lmao(●´∀`●) You can get this bow from Oh my bows shop and check out all their other lovely bows. Remember to use the code “nao10” which gives you a 10% off + a free gift on your order!

This lovely black bear coat came from SheIn which you can get here for only $54.99 $33.30! The coat is lovely and reaaaal soft(*´﹃`*) Shipping only took a few weeks, and wonderful for cold weathers ~

Thank you for checking out this post, have a lovely day!!
This post is sponsored by SheIn & Oh My Bows 💞