Tokyo Diary: Dream Gameboy, Multipal Store, etc

Some few weeks ago, I visited this cute neko cafe with some friends! Read more for some highlights and updates on my life so far( ´∀`)♪ Outfit details for this recent look are found on this post too!

Around the same time, I was able to cop the little kid in me’s dream toy. Yes!!! I’ve been wanting this game boy since I was younger. I had to share a red one with my brother before but ever since, I’ve been ogling this contraption every time I pass by a toy store.
Today’s Coordinate

The other day I
Longsleeves – Gap
Outer #1 – Rosemarie Seoir
Outer #2 – Thank You Mart
Skirt – Multipal Store*
Hair Accessories – Paris Kids, Milk Club
Tights – Milk Club
Shoes – Mon Lily